Shopping at Lake Chapala, Mexico
In terms of the availability of material items and amenities, is it easier today for an American to live here in Mexico than it was 10 years ago?
From what I’m told, yes, it’s considerably easier today. I’ve lived here only three and a half years, and even during that relatively short period of time, I have noticed that its easier today than it was when we crossed over the border. In some odd way, some of the adventure of living here has diminished as well as some of the exoticism and adventure, as creature comforts historically not that easily available in Mexico are becoming more and more common. Things that used to be a bit difficult to do just aren’t that difficult any longer.
And that brings me to the concept of the “Sweet Spot.” In tennis, the sweet spot is the combination of the place on the strings of the racquet and the precise timing of the stroke when the ball makes contact that is optimal for giving the player the most control and power. There is no better time and place to hit a tennis ball than at the sweet spot. The same could be said for a baseball player at bat. Not too high, not too low or off to one side and not too fast or slow; just the perfect balance of location and timing.
Relative to lifestyle, for any individual or family, the sweet spot would be the perfect balance of cost of living on the one hand and the quality and quantity of amenities on the other.

Lifestyle Sweet Spot by Chuck Bolotin
For example, take a look at the drawing above. On the vertical axis is Cost of Living, so the higher you go, the more you will pay for the things you want to buy. On the horizontal axis is Amenities, so the more to the right you go, the greater the quality and abundance of amenities available to you.
For simplicity, we can divide the interior of the graph into quadrants, each representing a different combination of cost of living versus amenities. For example, in Quadrant I, you would find a high cost of living and lot of amenities available, if you could afford them. Think: New York City. I assume it could be a wonderful place for most people to live, if you had lots and lots of money. At the extreme upper right corner, you wouldn’t even have to deal with traffic in order to experience what is arguably the best entertainment in the world or go to among the best restaurants in the world; either your chauffer would drive you or you could jump into your helicopter.
Quadrant II has high cost and low amenities. Perhaps Venezuela would currently qualify. Think of a place that is managed so poorly, that while in local relative terms, it costs a lot to buy things, the police response is slow, there’s very little to buy, the electricity goes off a lot, etc.

Jet Metier eating ice cream in Ajijic, Mexico
Quadrant III is common in places where the people are very poor: low cost combined with a scarcity of amenities, and those that are available are of low quality. It doesn’t cost a lot to live there, but there are very few creature comforts, hardly any infrastructure, and not much to buy, because hardly anyone living there has any money to buy anything. Many expats will seek out these places because the costs are low, but then they find out that there’s a very good reason why the costs are so low.
If you’re not extremely wealthy (because if you were, Quadrant I may be best for you), the best place to live would be in Quadrant IV; the costs are relatively low, while the amenities are relatively high. In order to demonstrate how things change, a good example of Quadrant IV may have been Los Angeles 50 – 90 years or so ago. It wasn’t that expensive, but the roads were good and the shops were full.
As it becomes generally known that a place is in Quadrant IV, of course, people want to move there, and those who can, do, thereby raising the costs and squeezing out some of the amenities and other reasons they moved there in the first place, such as uncrowded roads. Then, places like this are no longer a Lifestyle Sweet Spot, as it migrates to a different quadrant. If the people who are there still want to live in a Quadrant IV place, they need to find a new Lifestyle Sweet Spot.
Having been born and raised in Los Angeles, that’s exactly what we did—we left and went in search of the next Lifestyle Sweet Spot.
And we think we’ve found it.
In Mexico.

Jet Metier with Lake Chapala, Mexico in the background
Ten years ago, it may not have been true, but I believe it’s becoming more true now. Where we live, at Lake Chapala (best known location: Ajijic) in the Mexican Highlands with near perfect weather, 10 years ago, I don’t believe they had the Walmart they have now, nor the wonderful boutique shopping center with the great little food court and first run movie theater. Now, we do, along with dozens of clubs to listen to music and lots and lots of inexpensive, charming restaurants.
I don’t know what Guadalajara (about 45 minutes away by car) had, but I can tell you that now, they have Costco, some extremely high end supermarkets, Home Depot, some great restaurants at a small fraction of what they would cost in the US, and several wonderful high-end malls, one that just opened. They also have an international airport where I pay less than USD $5 per day to park on the lot 100 yards from the terminal.
Over the last few years, even in our little village, we received fiber optic Internet. And with how the Internet connects us all without regard to physical location, any place in the world that has good Internet allows people formerly living in places “without” to be living in places “with.” I can order online from Amazon.com, Amazon.com.mx, and just recently, Target. My wife orders great and inexpensive clothes from Korean retailers and has the items shipped to us here at no cost. I can listen to any music or radio station in the US I like and watch almost any TV from the US and almost anywhere in the world, all from our little village in Mexico. The Internet allows all of this, thereby substantially reducing the need to have to physically live near it all.

San Antonio Hospital at Lake Chapala, Mexico
Within the last year and a half, the little community where I live opened a brand-new hospital where I got an x-ray of my turned ankle within 4 minutes of parking my car in a half-full parking lot. A few days later, I saw an emergency room physician and an orthopedic surgeon within 20 minutes of entering the building. A new heart hospital will open up within weeks, as well as another emergency hospital just down the road. As many measures of cost and quality of healthcare deteriorate in the US, here, the quality of the health and dental care is first rate. That’s the higher amenities part.
All this, as I live in a private community with tennis courts, a huge pool, water and security included, up on a hill overlooking a lake with a volcano in the distance, all for about a third of what I would pay for this in Southern California. That x-ray I mentioned cost me the equivalent of less than USD $40, the visit with the emergency room physician and orthopedic surgeon cost an astounding $14.50 (try that in the US), while my health insurance is about 80% less, as is my dental work. In Guadalajara, I can go to the best Brazilian churrasco all you can eat “meatfest” with an amazing salad bar for about $15, compared to more than $50 in the US. In Mazatlán, a version that’s not quite as nice costs $8, right on the beach. That’s the lower cost part.

Scandanavian restaurant at Lake Chapala, Mexico
Does where I live have as many amenities as New York City? Not even in the same ballpark. Is the cost of living here as low as it is in Bangladesh? No; it’s much higher. But, if you’re looking for that realistic combination of lower cost of living and higher amenities, Mexico may just be the place for you.
Don’t wait too long, though. As people find out, it may not be in the Quadrant IV Lifestyle Sweet Spot forever, but it’s pretty good now.
2020-01-01 06:30:28Z
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